What is NeuroMyofascial Integration?

NeuroMyofascial Integration is the use of the nervous system to balance the tension of the Myofascial System with the purpose of improving postural alignment

How does NeuroMyofascial Integration work?

It complicated but is proposed that working the acupressure/trigger point located at the muscle/tendon junction “resets” the Golgi Tendon organ and “activates” the target muscle by “relieving it from inhibition”

What conditions can be treated with NeuroMyofascial Integration?

Because Myotonx significantly improves whole-body FUNCTION just about any condition will benefit from a Body Reset since they would all be signs of DYSFUNCTION

How long does a typical session last?

A typical Body Reset™ takes approximately 2 hours.  58 acupoints are treated

Is NeuroMyofascial Therapy painful?

Since Myotonx accesses and manipulates the nervous system and treats areas where the body is “guarding” dysfunction, some people describe a slight burn or tingling sensation that radiates out from the acupoint.  Quite often the points are painless and some clients describe them as relaxing

How many sessions will I need?

Only a single 2-hour session is needed to bring the body to MyoFascial Integration!  The integration is permanent however it is recommended to perform postural/structural exercises to improve the body function and reaffirm the posture

What should I wear during a session?

It is absolutely essential you bring a pair of flat, minimalist type shoes (preferably from our Recommended Products Page) to your Body Reset™ Appointment.  This will allow for “neutral arches” in your feet which the Body Reset will provide.  It also recommended you dress in loose fitting comfortable clothes.  Shorts and t-shirts are recommended.  Long pants ok as long as they are not too thick e.g. denim jeans.  Remember this is Bodywork.